Happy Halloween!

I believe whole-heartedly in the over indulgence that is Halloween (or over indulging on any holiday for that matter).   I love the idea of dressing up as someone else, begging for candy and scaring the crap out of your friends and neighbors.  Don't get me wrong, I adore the Christmas season too, but since transplanting myself to Florida, it just doesn't feel the same.  So I have made Halloween my "it" holiday, when I expend the most amount of energy making in fun. 
It started with "Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" over my super pancakes (recipe at another time), and will end sometime much later (wayyyyyy past bedtime) with sugar crashes after truckloads of candy. 
I am wishing everyone a safe and spooky Halloween!
(I'm sure I will be back later posting about our chocolate pumpkin cake and with pictures of the things all decked out in their Halloween garb.)
