Sew Easy

Bless me Blogger, for I have sinned.  Its been something days since my last post.  So I will have 2 bloody Mary's and all will be forgiven right? 

So, I have taken a break from baking for a millisecond.  My hips and my children's teeth are thanking me.  But I have gotten a chance to catch up on some crafting projects that have been left alone and abandoned in the closet.  Unfortunately, the baby blankets I started ages ago will now be going to preschoolers and my sewing machine needed a jolt from a defibrillator to start. 
I have missed sewing, the mindless hum of the machine, the beautiful things that come out of a few yards of fabric.  I have a hankering for all things vintage, so my project for the next few weeks is going to be to turn out some 1940's style aprons.  They are dress like and feminine.  And make me feel like a WWII bride when I am hanging out my laundry on the line.  

Check out Etsy or Stitch Thru Time for some patterns and ideas. 
If you need me, ill be sewing to my hearts content surrounded by frills, patterns and straight pins.

P.S- Yes, I will include pictures of finished products!
